Image description: Glitching scan of a brown piece of paper with many taped-on strips of black text underlined in red on white paper. The words are illegible and the digital white of the scanner is in the background.
we are repeating each other
knowing there is nothing new, only that which we already know rearranged
we are repeating each other
knowing there is something new in that which we already know rearranged
we are repeating each other
knowing not what is there but that something needs to be changed

Image description: Scanned brown paper with many taped on strips of black text underlined in red on white paper. The text reads, “What is it they are pushing,
The change is not only to be expected, it is first of all to be made,
a predetermined, planned, designed by him manner.
Declaration of ownership and the success of possession
Maybe it was in the summer, maybe in the winter, maybe it was the last year, or the year before, it really doesn’t matter.
attention and a large investment of energy.
During what time? from September 2020
it really doesn’t matter. create time. they are so many.
Or In-sight (just because).
handle (meaning: aaan instrument senses which just sit there proud and passionate about possessing
disembodied times from geographies
knowing fully well, it may not have.
climaxed perfectly with the clank.”

Image description: Scanned brown paper with many taped on strips of black text underlined in red on white paper. The text reads, “falling (and failing) frozenly impavid?
in-person remains the ultimate aim- the view from the window owns me… the time owns me
Togetherness for us now is a shared focus
remain responsive within the shifting realities
Don’t adapt or even respond, no need,
sense, being with space: just as much information missing as is present.
We show up to be changed, unhinging navigate not knowing. it really doesn’t matter how much,
there is much that we do not know.
and has always been but clear, seen, heard
leaves a trace of what came before under which to be suspended,
there could be a possibility for not having the capacity of defining what it is actually to be a human as a whole and concrete entity.
So we begin again.
as if it was shameful to be owned?.”

Image description: Scanned brown paper with many taped on strips of black text underlined in red on white paper. The text reads, “In the face of a world pulling apart, we insist on being together borne just now.
as if we were parts of something, a puzzle piece for the part-taking,
save the whales never yet arriving extend existing fuller, less hysterical, less lost and more found.
we desire to meet all
buy something for immediate use,
The center of the earth is directly beneath each of us. tissue… everywhere basically.
We have most things in common, so just fall.
The only way out is though, and so, I play:
Would that make us losers
Isn’t it naive to expect anything else?.”
Grand re Union Statement
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