Oliver Connew is a graduate of the New Zealand School of Dance, majoring in classical ballet, and has a Bachelor’s Degree in contemporary dance from Unitec University of Technology. After this training Oliver moved to Europe, initially Berlin, during which time he worked with and performed for a number of choreographers, including regularly with Peter Pleyer, Julian Weber and Wilhelm Groener. While continuing to work and perform as a dancer, he is currently undertaking the Exerce Master of Choreography programme at the Institut Choréographique International in Montpellier, France. Oliver’s choreographic work is motivated by a desire to spend much of his time dancing and a willing sense of social and political responsibility. In this way his work asks: what’s dance got to do with it?


When you open your eyes, you’re free to go into unison.

Lisa Nelson
11 May 2020 during a workshop in Montpellier,
shortly before we went into isolation lockdown.