Salome Sordia is an independant curator and a cultural manager in visual and performing arts based in Tbilisi, Georgia. In 2012 Salome graduated Tbilisi State University and has a bachelor degree in history of art and became master in Art Theory and Culture Management after graduating Ilia State University in 2014. In 2019-2018, Salome assisted a German based Georgian artist Vajiko Chachkhiani as a project manager on different projects: “Art Basel Unlimited” in Basel, Switzerland, “Yarat Contemporary Art Space” in Baku Azerbaijan, “Bundeskunsthalle” in Bonn, Germany. In 2016-2017 Salome was an international project coordinator of “Yanka Rudzka, also a gallery manager at ArtBeat Gallery in 2017. Salome has worked at festival: South Caucasus Contemporary Dance and Experimental Art Festival, Tbilisi / Jerome Bel – Gala, 2017; Vertigo 20 by Noa Wertheim in 2016; ACTS -performance by Aurora Lubos, 2015; Salome has worked as a location manager at the 2nd Tbilisi Triennial S. O. S – Self – Organized Systems, 2015 and as a coordinator at the 1st Tbilisi Triennial – Offside Effect / CCA-T, 2012. In the years of 2010 – 2014, Salome worked as an art coordinator and a curator of a various projects at the Center of Contemporary Art, Tbilisi. As an artist, she has participated in the projects like “Unrealized Projects,” (2016) and “Uare Qalaqs,” Tbilisi (2016). The very first project Salome was a curator of was “Young Souls” at the Center of Contemporary Art, Tbilisi in 2012.