Romain Bigé, PhD, translates, reads, queers, and improvises dances and philosophies. S/he lives nomadically in and out of Paris, Saint-Saud-Lacoussière, and other locations reachable by train. S/he fell in dance with Steve Paxton, Lisa Nelson, Nancy Stark Smith, Matthieu Gaudeau, and many others. A writer and a curator, s/he develops experimental installations and modes of writing to make felt the interior knowledges of the dancer. A Professor in Art Epistemology at Aix-en-Provence’s Ecole supérieure d’art, s/he investigates the trans*feminist potentials of the arts for mobilizing sensitivities to other critters.


The Earth Is Bigger Than You, So You Might As Well Coordinate With It.

Nancy Stark Smith

Make Kin Not Babies. / Faites des parents, pas des enfants.

Donna J. Haraway